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Chairs of Standing Committees
Community Relations - Chair - Laurie Inda
Solicits club sponsors each year for the three sponsorship levels: Gold, Silver, and Bronze and seeks event sponsors.
Communicates monthly with our sponsors about the upcoming meeting and secures their reservations. Then communicates that information to the Reservations Committee. Announces and welcomes our sponsors to the monthly meeting. Creates a monthly Community Relations Report.
Communications - Co-Chair/Webmaster/Google Group - Jennifer Sipe Co-Chair/Marketing - Deni Donovan
Historian - Virginia Carlson
Publicity Writer - Dee Elliott
Social Media - Robbin DiCiacco
Reports newsworthy items to newspapers for publication.
Maintains The Club’s website.
Maintains email addresses of all members and communicates with members through emails.
Acquires photos of The Club’s events.
Serves as content administrator for The Club’s social media site(s) and monitors adherence to posted guidelines for photos and other content.
Serves as content administrator and maintains the digital document archives in The Club’s google drive.
Keeps an up-to-date scrapbook of The Club’s activities and submits completed records to the Cumberland County Archives.
Nominations - Marjorie Philippe
Seeks candidates and presents a slate of officers with one candidate for each elected office at the April meeting every other year.
Conducts the election at the May meeting, allowing for any nominations from the floor.
Installs the elected officers for two-year terms at the June meeting.
Presides over any special election necessary to fill a vacant President-Elect position.
Reservations - Co-Chairs Valerie Hoover and Mary Hood
Take and records reservations for monthly Luncheon Meetings. Compiles list of attendees for each luncheon to be sent by Webmaster.
Scholarship - Chair - Colleen Mall
Works jointly with Roane State Community College and the TN College of Applied Technology in Crossville, to award scholarships to returning adult students residing in Cumberland County.
Service - Chair - Evelyn Birmingham
Selects nine 501c(3) charities to sponsor at each monthly meeting except April. The chair or a designated committee member collects money or items prior to the meeting and gives a report of donations during the meeting. Money is totaled and given to Treasurer with required documentation.
Travel - Chair - Sandi Edwards
Plans trips from start to finish across the U.S, ranging from 1-day to multi-day trips. Trips are offered at cost, plus 2% markup for the Club’s fundraising. Contracts with tour agencies for trips outside the U.S. and exceptional tours within the U.S. The purpose of the trips are twofold:
fundraising for the Club and
socialization between Club members.
Our trips are not only exciting and informative but it is so much fun getting to know one another!
Ways and Means - Colleen Lamberty
Plans and executes all fundraising events and sales except the Fashion Show. Always thinking of WAYS to raise funds so that we have the MEANS to support the club's charities and scholarships.
Others Appointed
Carol Barnes
Fashion Show
Co Chairs Carol Barnes and Mary Stahlhut
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